Hello - I'm Michelle - an artist working with contemporary printmaking techniques in my garden studio in London.
I print (a lot), I embroider (much less than I would like) and I offer creative workshops tailored to your individual or business needs.
My artwork revolves around the theme of memory. I take nostalgic moments and ‘souvenirs’ from my life and experiences to illuminate the quiet moments that often go unnoticed, or remain overlooked.
My artwork is now available to buy at The Bakery - an artist-run gallery in Islington. I will be there a couple of times a month so please do come by to say 'hello' and see what is new.
I am also delighted to announce that I am offering a new workshop for 2025 - Tetra Pak (recycled carton) printmaking. If you would like to learn the technique, or brush up on this intaglio method (similar to collagraph) please find out more in News & Bookings​

Printmaker and Textile Artist